Artist Statement & Bio
Painting allows me to create in my quiet space, while photography allows me to create out in the world.
Artists have the need and passion to create. It is who we are."
- Pauline Chernichaw
Born in post WWII Germany, Pauline Chernichaw (pronounced Cher-ni-kaw) grew up in New York, where she is currently based. Coming from an extended family of creatives that included filmmaker Stanley Kubrick, she developed a passion for art at a very young age.
After studying painting at the University of Miami and Brooklyn College, Pauline continued her studies at the International Center of Photography and New York University where she expanded her artistic vision to encompass photography. Pauline Chernichaw's works are included in private and permanent collections.
Ms. Chernichaw is included in a community of Artists at the Carter Burden Gallery in New York City and is an award-winning member of The National Association of Women Artists.
"Her art doesn’t come from nowhere....Ms. Chernichaw is very much the product of her family, her life, her times, her roots."
- Joanne Palmer "Artist at work" Pauline Chernichaw of Englewood Cliffs talks about art, family history, and life. ; Jewish Standard, February 9, 2023
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